


Legendary fun, All Wrapped Up.

Get them something right up their alley! You can purchase Pins Leisure gift vouchers of any value, and get the gift voucher emailed directly to any email address at any time or day you choose. Even better, they can be used across multiple visits, so nothing goes to waste! You can even add the vouchers to your Google or Apple wallet, making them easier than ever to redeem.

Book online or at the venue, the voucher can be used either way!

50% off second game


Get 50% off any second game when your first game is Ten Pin or Duck Pin Bowling.

This includes Ten Pin Bowling, Duck Pin Bowling, American Pool, Ping Pong, Batting Cage, Shuffleboard, Ice Free Curling and Karaoke.
Valid Monday-Friday until 6pm, and after 6pm on Sundays.

Excludes school and public holidays.

Offer allows for one discounted game per full price game of Ten Pin or Duck Pin purchased per person.